海外の男: こんにちは、海外の男です。It has been a long time (again) that the blog is not updated. well anyway... i'm now having a little break from my homework to post some rubbish again... haha... lately have anyone realize, Mio from the anime K-On! (けいおん!) has been all the buzz on the net and akiba? ( see this links to show what i mean http://blog.livedoor.jp/geek/archives/50840311.html http://blog.livedoor.jp/geek/archives/50839996.html http://blog.livedoor.jp/geek/archives/50840007.htmlhttp://blog.livedoor.jp/geek/archives/50839978.html ) it is like no matter which site that i go is all Mio, Mio, and Mio. what freak me the most is that the headphone that Mio used in episode 5 is real (see this linkhttp://blog.livedoor.jp/geek/archives/50838290.html ), makes me want to buy one for myself... haha... but too expensive -_-.... Anyway, we will be resuming our work (manga production) in another 1 month time, so until then please be patient. Thank you...
*Back to watching K-On!
*Back to watching K-On!