We Are Not Dead!!!
(We are not dead... only just being too lazy... lol...)
Yo!! It has been a while (actually almost half a year...) since our last posting... I know some people might think that we are dead or something but we are still very much alive, it is just that nobody bother to post something on the blog (may due to no interesting topic and so on...), so i suddently feel like posting something so here it goes... hahaha....
First, i will report on the progress on the manga (sorry to drag so long for the release due to many issue occuring along the way). The chapter 0 of the rocker story (which we have mentioned on our earler post) is almost finish (i think so... because alternative sensei is back to his hometown Miri and i'm in Kuching...) and we will post it on the net when the work is finish. Alternative sensei is working hard on it so, お疲れさま. The story is full with our belives and emotion, so hope that you can enjoy it when it is released.
Lately all i've been doing is watching animes and reading manga (this season's anime have alot of good animes, don't you think?). I did no contribution to the society like a NEET hahaha.... the only great thing that i've done so far is almost finish reading the bakemonogatari light novel in full japanese text (ah... what a pain... i think i should take japanese more seriously for the sake of my hobby... haha...) and traslating some miku songs for fun (well actually... one of my old frend requested it so i did it to kill some time). Lately i'm also thinking of writing a light novel with Eternal DK but that was just only me right now, i haven discuess this... I've already thought out some points but it seems like too complicated... Ah... never mind, I'll leave that for other time. Other then this, nothing else special (ah... how life is short and boring... haha...).
Ah alomst forgot, Happy New Year (IT'S TOO LATE FOR THAT ALREADY!!!) and Happy Chinese New Year (for those who are celebrating it like us)
(Year 2010, the year of the tiger... Gauuu~)